As I had predicted in my earlier Blog dated 17.12.2012, The People of Gujarat have given their verdict, NaMo will be Chief Minister of Gujarat for next 5 years. But will he? This is the moot question in minds of many of his Fans, Friends, Foes, Sociologists, and especially Mr.Nitin Gadkari.
Already people in Gujarat after the victory were chanting slogans of "AAJ CM KAL PM'. See the image below.

The victory of Mr.Modi broods well for Indian politics with two leaders emerging out of the choas that has engulfed Indian Politics for 3 years now. Mr.Narendra Modi from Bhartiya Janata Party and Mr.Rahul Gandhi form Congress (I). How will the each individual convince 1.25 billion people of India that he is the right person for PMs job remains to be seen.
BJP top brass like Mr.Advani and Mr.Gadkari should handsomely support Mr.Modi and move out. This nation is fed up with old time politics and its time to usher in the new brand of politics from the youthful leaders like Mr.Gandhi and Mr.Modi.
Result of Himachal were also out, Congress(I) has won a majority, but as always the bickering for the Chief Minister chair has started with Virbhadra Singh, Vidya Stokes, Kaul Singh, Asha Kumar, Col.Dhani Ram and Anand Sharma. As is always the case they all said that the CM will be decided by the Congress Party President, Mrs.Sonia Gandhi. Why is this similar to all other states Congress has won, well there is no state in India where Congress defines Chief Minister from the start of the campaign. This not only generates mistrust among electorate, but also gives a chance to wannabes to claim the fame whereas Congress has won because of Virbhadra Singh. If Virbhadra is not declared Chief Minister the Electorate in Himachal Pradesh will feel cheated. And with so many candidates trying to pull the rug under him, what is the guarantee that if he becomes the CM he will last five full years. Congress to ponder their strategy of not naming the Chief Minister in advance to avoid this after poll horse trading and creating disenhanchtment in the party as well as the Voters
Result of Himachal were also out, Congress(I) has won a majority, but as always the bickering for the Chief Minister chair has started with Virbhadra Singh, Vidya Stokes, Kaul Singh, Asha Kumar, Col.Dhani Ram and Anand Sharma. As is always the case they all said that the CM will be decided by the Congress Party President, Mrs.Sonia Gandhi. Why is this similar to all other states Congress has won, well there is no state in India where Congress defines Chief Minister from the start of the campaign. This not only generates mistrust among electorate, but also gives a chance to wannabes to claim the fame whereas Congress has won because of Virbhadra Singh. If Virbhadra is not declared Chief Minister the Electorate in Himachal Pradesh will feel cheated. And with so many candidates trying to pull the rug under him, what is the guarantee that if he becomes the CM he will last five full years. Congress to ponder their strategy of not naming the Chief Minister in advance to avoid this after poll horse trading and creating disenhanchtment in the party as well as the Voters
Anyways it is time to rejoice for Indian Democracy and to await the General Elections 2014
Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
Do We need any further proof about success story of Gujarat after seeing the participation of more than 1500 delegates from over 80 countries including Diplomats, leading Industrialists from our country and public at large ? and undoubtedly the success story of Gujarat will continue many fold in days to come.