The acceptance of Narendra Modi into the National Executive 2013 by Rajnath Singh, President of the Bhartiya Janata Party may give clear indications for NaMo running of Prime Minister's chair in 2014 General Elections. I saw the video of the speech that NaMo delivered at the Executive conclave and I have developed certain reservations of NaMo's speech that day.
I, in my earlier articles regarding Narendra Modi Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3, have already explained the advantages of having NaMo at the helm as Prime Minister or as Opposition Leader, in case he loses the Election and BJP comes second in the 2014 General Elections of India. I once again highlight the NaMo advantages, we as Indians can have.
NaMo is a leader who is born after the Independence of India. I firmly believe that people who post Independence are more liberal, more dynamic, more prejudice free and open to change and confirmed capitalists. I have based my studies considering the fact that all our leaders who were born earlier have terrible socialist leaning with bias towards left. Further I have from own experience known that the pre-independence lot has a certain perverted theory of existence. They always seem to think that we younger generation have no brains or experience. Their common refrain is 'Ye kal ka bacchha' for the younger generation. They are incapable of thinking about out of the box solutions. If you study the history of India, the first Prime Minister of Independent India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, gave us vast industrialisation. But in the process he or his his government kept every industry under government control. Panditji's socialist leaning were very clear and that made us depend more and more on government for everything right from heavy electrical and nuclear plants to condoms and safety pins. I feel such kind of interference by the Government in industry spells doom for entrepreneurs. I am absolutely firm believer of Keynesian philosophy of "Government has no business to be in business."
Government's priority is and should be to govern the country and if India were to achieve 8+ growth rate and be on a steady path of poverty eradication, the Government should just attempt to provide reasonable, corruption free, result oriented governance. Leave the rest to us Indians. If we can grow at 3 to 4 % (often called the Hindu rate of growth) without any help or assistance from the Government during the period 1950 to 1990 then we can grow at 8+ rate easily, provided there is clean governance and all right ingredients are in place.
Now let us get back to NaMo for Prime Minister. Listening to NaMo's speech yesterday, I was mighty impressed by his oratory skills and agree to all of his points except for one point. No one can call a present or erstwhile Prime Minister of India a 'night watchman'.
See the video for yourself and be the judge.
I also beg to differ that I am saying this because Mr.Manmohan Singh, the current Prime Minister of India is a economist or intellectual. My emphasis is that no Prime Minister who is occupying or has occupied the chair of Prime Minister should be above the personal mud slinging. The insults can always be directed to a person but not the chair.
There are two post in India which are above every thing as per constitution. One is the President of India, the supreme commander of our forces and the second one is Prime Minister of India who is the leader of our Parliament. So, it doesnt matter who sits in the PM's chair, it is above insult and personal mud slinging.
I hope NaMo corrects his stance in future and refrains from personal attacks of any PM of this country. We need leaders like him who speak less and believe in action. So I might add that NaMo is better at getting things done rather than giving obnoxious personal judgement about the Prime Minister of the country.
Vijay Prabhu
Good post.