
Sunday, 1 December 2013

After winning the Kitkat Contest, where is my Nexus 7 2013 : A question to the contest organisers ?

Exactly two weeks have passed since I received the messaged from the Nestle guys that my documents were found in order and I should get the delivery within 6 - 8 weeks.  I am waiting and so are the 897 others (there are total 898 winners as per the KIKAT contest winners list).
Now my patience and the patience of the winners including the commentators on this post is wearing out fast.  A probable winner Kruti Patel has filed a complaint on a redressal portal, which I think was premature on the winners part.  The Nestle has promised delivery within 6 to 8 weeks and counting the contest date of 22.11.2013, by all accounts the maximum time Nestle should deliver the Google Nexus 7 2013 (16GB) is  3rd Jan to 17th Jan, 2014.  

It seems that many of the winners (actually most) have not received any confirmation message like I did.  Here also I would opine that as long as the Nestle or the Agency (GroupM) has not called you explicitly informing you the non receipt of the documents, it is safe to assume that your documents have reached and have been accepted.

I would once again like to congratulate and thanks the winners for not only winning the Google Nexus 7 2013 but also making comboupdates a lot of fun and answering queries of winners.

4. Sreeraj (sorry I got your name wrong the first time)
8. Pam
9. Anita Swain (she is a dear friend and she won two!!)
11. Anshul Bahukhandi (Bro you will receive your Google Nexus 7)
12. KKK
14. Shankar 
15. Olo (I dont know what your real name is)
19. Tanu
A blogger who goes by the name Unknown and the very helpful Anon gentlemen who have given their valuable inputs. 

I request you all to start commenting here.  I will post any update, mail or SMS I receive from Nestle or GroupM.  You can also add me to your Google Plus circle and send me any updates you may get.  

The comments load slowly after reaching the 200 comments limit. You are requested to click on the 'notify me' box in case you want the updated comments in your email inbox.  

This is in continuation to the earlier posts

Nestle KITKAT contest, extension of date and the delivery schedule for Google Nexus 7 2013 to the contest Winners


Winning the Google Nexus 7 with KitKat contest, a dream come true

You are also requested to share this article on your Circle or Facebook so that most winners can give their insights 

Hey friends Google is advertising Nexus 7 on the search tab itself 
After winning the Kitkat Contest, where is my Nexus 7 2013 : A question to the contest organisers ?
Clicking on the tab takes us to the Google Play Store here where the Nexus 7 is listed  for Rs.20999.00.
After winning the Kitkat Contest, where is my Nexus 7 2013 : A question to the contest organisers ?
SMS received from +919555290764 :Congratulations, this is from KITKAT.  I would like to inform you that your audit is cleared...your Tab will be despatched soon.
Nice but no information about the make :((

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  1. Exactly what about our prizes? Should we file up a case against fraud of Kitkat? I think the winners of 27 sept. will be receiving their tablets within next 1 week. I think....

    1. Dhairyadev refer Olo's reply below

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I spoke to the person on the mobile number yesterday, and asked him about receiving my Participation Package (Documents) - he said he doesnt have a list about the ones whos documents have been received, but they have started dispatching the Nexus 7 prizes. Also GroupM media was closed on Saturday.

    So im hopeful that something good is gonna begin this December and we all get our Christmas presents. Nestle please be our Santa!

    1. Hope so Olo Hope to get it before 1st Jan 2014

  3. hi Vijay, I appreciate your efforts on this site and also your site is more informative than kitkat's fan page, congratulations to all winners, lets hope we get our nexus 7 soon

    1. Thanks Mayur congrats to you to and pls post any update you get from Nestle here so we remain informed

  4. Yes Vijay, it's getting a little impatient, with the Nexus 7 delivery getting delayed. Glad you posted this latest blog. Many winners are confused and waiting.

    BTW I had started to Link your articles in Kitkat FB page way before. Some of contestants replied to me that they are now following your helpful articles.

    Waiting for Nexus 7 updates !

    1. Yes Manu I notice that Will send another email tomorrow to Nestle. BTW what Olo says true somebody must have started receiving the Nexus 7s

  5. Oh thanks Vijay.. And its ok that u got my name wrong!! lol!!
    Happy To help..
    Hope every one will recieve their N7 soon( infact this year).. Hope i get mine too..
    And yeah if Olo is true, someone somewhere must have got thier prizes..
    So lets keep a track.. from Fb,G+ etc.. if someone gets to know if any winner got his prize we can track their process (i. if they are dispatching date wise or in any order) and hopefully we can predict their dispatching process.. let's keep post updated.. let's keep a track on them using social networks to connect all winners!!

    1. Haha Sreeraj that what binds us together Google Nexus 7 winning Gang

  6. Vijay,
    First: Wonderful post for a surprising moment!!!

    Second: Nestle wanted our dox by 1 week nyhow; which we did so, no matter how much it costed. sadly too much for those who had to send twice bcoz of GroupM's neglegency!!!

    But what r we getting in return? long waiting period of 6-8 weeks!!! If asume, it should not take a long to audit & veryfy of d dox & despatch d device if done in proper way with sufficient employees.

    Third: The feedback from nestle is BPL, below poor level!
    the common answer is: 6-8 week, no matter whatsoever is askd abt delivry.

    no satisfactory answer/reply from nestle against ny mail or call!

    no such updte ws provided till asked by users. on their fb page! they r ever busy with advertising the cake or something but not related ny topic of d contest!

    seems they have totaly forgotten abt d contest!

    d conf sms is another painfull matter yet. few got more to get.

    and so on.....

    *the only hope is this site. coz somehow all winners r gethered here, which made one non-agreement community. atleast we can share here the fact what's happening.

    let c now what more to c. another delema would b there after some 1 will receive d tablet for d first time...

    so keep posted & keep updated...

    1. Sure Vishal will keep you posted Somebody who receives it may come up with a comment and we will all have our Christmas and New Year with G7s

  7. let us again congratulate to all winners; and show EMPATHY to those who tried their luck but got tired of not being so lucky...

    In fb i saw some1 asking nestle dt: since d conest is over so what he will do with 500 wrapper dt he got with him, throw or keep for a while!!!

    felt bad. here we r excited to get d tab & so many r wishing if they could win!

    to confece d truth: i bought only 3 kitkats of rs.10/- & d 3rd one i sent on night around 11:45 pm on 9th nov.
    d nxt dy on 12:40 pm i gt d frst sms of winning! nd dt change d luck!!!

    from that time i started following ur site. thanks vijay for ur broad heart & effort of doing such great job...

    1. 500 wrappers thats sheer tough luck. I remember somebody asking me a strategy to win and telling her it all depends on luck. I had brought the one for the blog post and sent it at 5.52 pm and received the message at 6.08 pm. The one I sent had been with me for over a week before I decided to send it.
      But Vishal thats life, you win some you lose some

    2. 500 Kitkats ?? !! That's ridiculous ! almost equals Rs.5000-7000 assuming that contestant had tried with 2F,4F and Dark.

      He could have well put some more money, say Rs.1500, and got a NEXUS 7 (2012) Instead !!

      Anyways, that's some die-hard spirit to win.Salute.

  8. will they us 25$ play credit

    1. Let them give the N7 as of its more then enough ;)

  9. as seen from the reviews there r some bugs in android kitkat 4.4 I hope they solve it in nexus 7

    1. Ricky they are sending out updates pretty fast for KitKat 4.4

  10. I will be out of town after 8th dec till 2nd jan , if it comes during that time , then its overand I wont get it.I won the tablet on 1st october , lets hope it comes in the next 7 days

    1. Hey Sushrut dont worry, you will get your Nexus 7 sabra ka phal meetha hota hai

  11. @Sushrut Sharma did u gt d conf sms? when?

    1. I got a confirmation call that the documents r verified and I will be getting the tablet .I got it on 29th october.I giess in the initial stages they were calling people about the verified documents .I dont think I am getting tablet now since on Sunday I am leaving for holidays

  12. Dear Vijay.

    I received a call telling that the respective Dox have been reached at their good office. But there is no Message or an Email since then about the Estimated Shipping Date like you guys have been receiving from them.

    1. Congrat Chandra it is better then sms message I guess. Kindly write in what they have said about shipping

    2. I actually meant I was not notified by this message what you people have received
      "This is to inform you that we have received your Documents and they are upto the mark.. your Gift will reach your Doorsteps around so n so"

  13. If what i was told by the Nestle guy is true... then surely by this week ahead someone somewhere must be getting the nexus 7! I asked him if prizes are going to be distributed via date of winning, but he said he is not sure about that.

    So the best i guess is keep an eye open, but dont really break your head over it...just stay positive and slip in a small thought about the nexus 7 in your daily prayers

    1. By what means did u contact Nestle people....?

    2. Haha Dhairyadev I will dedicate exactly 7 minutes of my prayers for Nexus 7

    3. Sorry Olo that reply was for you

  14. Hi, my mother Dr. Pradnya Diwan won on 20 Oct . First time, I received a call saying that documents have NOT reached the Haryana office . Therefore I sent them again and haven't received a call, SMS or email since . I was able to establish contact with 09555290764(the one you had mentioned in your second post). I understood 3 things: 1.The dispatching had already started and would reach within 6-8 weeks
    2.They DEFINITELY send a call, SMS or email if they have received the documents. This is contradictory to the replies on Facebook.
    3.I asked them whether I was a Confirmed Winner and whether my documents have been received. They told me to send an SMS containing the Winner's name and Winning Date. I haven't received a reply since.

    What do we do?

    1. Anuj congrats Wait for a week and contact them again via telephone. In the meantime send them a email every day till they respond

  15. Request to Winners,

    Please give out your date of winning SMS and date of confirmation SMS on this post once again, on this latest blog, so that some new winners, who have not received the confirm msg/email also get an idea about their likely date of delivery.

    1. BTW I won on 6-Nov, anyone after that date has got confirmatory SMS?

      would like to know.Thank you.

    2. They contacted me on 8th telling that I have won!. They called up again after couple of days about the Dox reaching them.. That was the last they did and nothing till now!!

    3. Chandra everybody over here as the same problem

    4. i won the contest on 20th Oct. after sending the dox 2 times received a confirmation sms on nov 18th

  16. Even i have won a tab on 30th Oct and have sent the documents. But no reply from them whether they have received my documents They are not answering the calls. No reply to mail

    1. Congrats Patanjali This post is opened for the same reason. Anyone and everyone who will receive the Nexus 7 can guide other BTW nice name you have the great Indian Sage

    2. Thank you And this has been a great place for all of us to stay in touch Hope we all will get our Nexus 7 very soon

  17. Good post Vijay.

    I bought about a box of 2f kitkats (40= Rs. 400) And I won on my tab when about 8-9 were still remaining.

    I won on 17th October and recieved the confirmation SMS at around 18th November I guess. I am going on a short trip from 6th-13th December, hope I am one of the people they have dispatched the Nexus 7 to, would be great to have it for the trip ;)

    1. Hi Unknown I put your name in the post I and you have won on the same date so maybe we will get together Click on the notify me and add me on Google Plus and I will inform you the latest updates. And enjoy your trip

  18. I won on 10/11/13, yet did not get ny conf sms/mail/call. has ny 1 got such confirmation who won on 10th nov. or after that. pls update here..

  19. HI Admin I am The EligibleWinner of the Kit-Kat Contest on 30th Sept 2013,
    1st i get ma frm please visit my page "http://bskbhatt.blogspot.in/2013/12/is-my-seond-conversation-regrding-kit.html"

  20. i have not recieved a confirmation text about my dox recieved .... what should i do ?????

  21. @pranav: Not to worry. Many winners here have reported of not getting any confirm sms. They have got the dox otherwise they wud have called regading any problem with docs.

  22. Meanwhile, check out this amazing race between two satellites to Mars - MOM (India) and MAVEN (USA). This is Real time updated animation. Maven is 10 times ahead.


    Around the time when they both reach there in 2014, we will hear the Release of NEXUS 7 (2014) perhaps !

    Vijay no?

  23. Vishal Vodro:

    Guys, a new giveaway has come up by 5Star. Saw in d ad. Just buy & give a missed call the number provided in d pack. Check out. Vijay could b d lucky one ds time too. so hope to c another article abt ds new give away...

  24. Vishal Vodro:


  25. Guys bad news!!!! its nexus 7 2012 not the latest version!!!
    found this post in kitkat page fb,
    "Bhupinder Singh

    Got the Nexus 7 last week as part of Kitkat promotion program. I was surprised to see that Nexus 2012 edition tab was delivered to me whereas the Kitkat.in site even shows 2013 tablet edition.

    There are no details on whom to approach for same, anyone can suggest on this please."

    he is a winner of 28 sep by name!! So means that they are dispatching in the order they one!!

    1. Sreeraj if that is indeed true bad bad news They may be giving us the unsold 2012 versions

    2. which version they r giving 3g or wifi

  26. Hope its not true!!

    1. now we know why they made us sign the NDC – No Dues Certificate before hand

    2. Vinay its time to change the heading :: After winning the Kitkat Contest, where is my Nexus 7 2012 : A question to the contest organisers ?

  27. check details of tablet at www.asus.in
    and one more think at global asus website they have given details of nexus 7(2013) but not on india website and kitkat has also given that product will be given by asus india and not global

  28. Guys, lets not start crying and moaning yet. Bhupinder Singh has 1 friend on Facebook and has only made 1 post so far. All the KitKat promotions worldwide have involved the new tablet - I dont see any reason why they would choose to screw Indian participants only! Let's wait till active members here like Vijay and Manu get theirs, to pass judgement

    1. Yes friends what Sagar says is true. Lets not jump the guns we will wait for someone from us on this blog to receive one and post it here till we can be absolutely sure

    2. hope sagar will be proved correct , all will end in happy note

    3. Sagar,

      You right about the doubts of his facebook entry now, but we cant thoroughly doubt him. he is an early winner (28 sep) as far as the "name" goes on kitkat win page. so lets hear from some other early winners to confirm about the version.

  29. It is really very bad and we should fight it with Kitkat , in other countries they are giving New version and in india it is old , time to fight against kitkat

  30. Vijay do u have any idea of why asus not giving details of nexus 7(2013) on india website

    1. Ricky probably because Asus is not marketing it, Google is

  31. Gosh that is some bad news if true. I wonder why would one person even post like that? I have a feeling they are duping us with the old nexus!!! its not a bad tablet but damn i hope this is not true!!

    Meanwhile, I tried calling the GroupM phone number today, the receptionist picks up the phone and transfers the line to the kitkat contest department. and no one picks up the phone. There's a girl whos handling it, the receptionist says many are complaining she is not picking up the phone. He said "woh phone nahi utathi hai.. kya karen"

  32. Vishal Vodro:

    I wrote dt bhupinder:
    "Bhupinder, b specific. i dnt think
    kitkat will do such thing! they given
    d new one in abroad. google got to
    do d same in india too... first, u got
    d tab last week & posted here today
    evening! seems like it's ur first
    posting with only a single friend!!!
    Strange! rqust to put some pics of d
    device & share with us d date &
    timing of receiving. last week doesnt
    indicate anything clearly..."

    he looked kinda fishy!!! no response from his end after he posted this!

    ny way time to time keep on checking now his post too...

    there is 99.99% possibility to get us d new n7. i think he is trying to make some hype...

    so to all winners here pls keep in touch here & keep on updating everyone...

  33. Vishal I think so too !!! I remember there was a commentator who made comments on the first post itself that he had won the Nexus 7 I have full faith in Google and Nestle so we wait till one of us gets a Nexus only then we believe what we see

    1. Hey all the guy looks fake He says he received it last week which to me looks very doubtful The guys FB page doesnt list any about me details. Have asked him a question like Vishal hope he responds

  34. Im a winner of Nexus on Sept 29th.. I got four calls altogether. One for confirmation, second about documents, third after they received the documents and confirmed that i will be getting it, and I got a call today asking to verify my shipping address once more.. The person said they are not incharge of shipping, but they think its to be dispatched by this week itself. Fingers crossed and btw I think that dude bhupinder is just trolling us. Look at his profile.

    1. Thanks Vishnu for sharing your update Congrats, hope you receive the Nexus 7 2013 soon and us up Yep I also think he is trolling but you never know Keep us updated in case you get some latest news

    2. HI Vishnu S, Am Shravan B Iam winner of Nexus 7 on 30th sept, i didn't get any shipping call today

    3. vishnu yava number ninda phone bantu nanage tilistera

  35. that is the most positives news this week Vishnu. Congrats.
    You must be the first one on this blog to be getting it.... Please keep us updated here. and wish you all the best!!!

  36. Guys! bhupendar has replied!! nothing specific.. but has replied.. he said he will upload pics........

  37. Olo I still dont trust the guy meanwhile check this out > http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2164848
    It is about the Kitkat contest in Australia

  38. I hope he is wrong, but I have a feeling he doesnt have any reason to troll us, especially since he is a winner, his profile is back from 2012... he just might not be using facebook much as many of us do... He did a google search as he says.. found the kitkat fb page and since it requires to log in to post anything, he just logged in using is very limited profile and posted it. I hope im bloody wrong on this!

  39. that's a good news and how come Sreeraj got the news of bhupendar has got the tab

    1. I saw that post in kitkat page.. been visiting there for sometym..lol..
      Hope tats fake and everyone gets their new N7's..

  40. Logically they should be shipping the new N7 since only that comes with KitKat...the old one will be having stock jellybean which can be upgraded to kitkat...and well since this was a competition for promoting kitkat + android I guess the new N7 must be shipped

  41. Hi There, I have won a google nexus tablet too on the 11th of Nov and my name 'Apoorva Bhargava' is visible on the website.

    I stumbled upon this site trying to get more details on the delivery schedule. Since I won on 11th of Nov I am assuming it will be a while before I get mine delivered.

    Additionally, I have been chasing up the GroupM office to check they have received my documents. My courier company confirmed it was delivered in (16th of Nov).

    I did get an employee on a call one day (cant remember his name) and he mentioned that we remain patient and 'we would get back to you soon'.

    Any guidance of how I can follow up?


    1. relax,no need to follow up, if u r sure the docs are received there and no calls from them have been missed by you.

  42. Vishal Vodro:

    My reply to Bhupender on FB:

    Bhupinder, m sure many of us here fb fan neither! but d fact is to keep us updated abt d contest. i liked d kitkat page when i got d frst sms frm nestle & started folllowing up. thats all. wonderring a bit how come after getting d tablet u thought of writing something for d frst time!!! not during all d contest period.

    we all r eager to know whats going on with us. u seemed to b d frst source. dts y all r asking u to share d dtls. pls co-operate with us...

    atleast follow this www.comboupdates.com/2013/12/after-winning-kitkat-contest-where-is.html till u get all ur answer & we get ours...

    To all winners: d cntest was to promote d ktkt & new n7. it's totally cleared to everyone globally. if they had to give d old one they could have easily put d old n7 image. nothing wrong was in that.
    everyone would have bought d ktkt same way they bought thinking of new n7. right?

    hence our assumption for new n7 got to b correct. now let c what happens tomorrow. if bhupinder got last week sure by tomorrow some of other will b appeared on fb. and if it's d old n7 then for sure we will get to know. it's natural who will keep their mouth shut after getting d old one while expectation was for d new one.

    p.s. if they give us d old n7 also no harm! as said: something is better than nothing.
    But will get a bit heart broken!!!

  43. FRIENDS, IF THAT BIG NEWS is true !! I wouldn't be extremely surprised ! Because It kinda there behind my mind (THIS is INDIA), was somewhat expecting it from the start.

    If you see my comments I have been expressing my concern regarding T&C...but tried maximum to comfort other winners and myself that, we indeed would be getting Nexus 7 (2013), by offering some analysis of the pics etc.

    Vijay also was also confident in his comments that it would be the 2013 model.

    And about "bhupinder I think his FB account origin is of 2012, so he didn't create it just to create a buzz. and also his name is there on kitkat win page. for now we have to believe him, since r8 now i don't think we have any early winners here in our discussion to cross check.

    ..or otherwise he cud be a disgruntled contestant. (sorry for that if u r not)...NO option left but to wait for updates from other winners...

    1. But the Mystery about why NEXUS 7 (2013) 16GB was starting shipments only after 26 nov, while higher end versions shipped immediately from 20 nov is still to be understood !!

      Also why Nestle extended the contest to 22 NOV ??

      OK lets say they wanted to complete their 1000 giveaway quota ! if that was so, then WHY didn't Nestle extend again, when winner count managed to reach only 898 (102 short of 1000) on 22 NOV ???

      I was expressing this doubt lot of times in my earlier comments.

  44. Yup I don't think Bhupinder is bluffing us, Lets hope he can upload some pics and give some more information.... But if see the bigger picture!! they are shipping the prizes!!
    The nexus 7 2012 model is a pretty good tablet too. And i guess its now receiving the Android 4.4 Update as well. So ALL IS NOT LOST friends!


    1. YES OLO, afterall we shud be happy to get a prize. think abou that guy who spent 500 kitkats and got nothing !

      ONLY CONCERN of Nestle and Google was:

      They wanted to promote KITKAT 4.4 OS !

      ..and that can be OTArd to old NEXUS 7 (2012)...also.

  45. Vishal Vodro:

    This is too much. D much kitkat we eat ever nothing happened but this bloody tension of d tablet model is killing us internally... their delay in processing is working like Slow poision!!!

  46. hi m a winner of 22nd and just called in today to check whether they have recived my dox..

    the guy said "ur dox have reached and its in the process..we'll inform u"
    i asked about the dispatch...he said " yes we have started dispatching but u all need to be a lil patient because the process is taking the time!!" ...hOpe we get our Nexus before newyear!

    1. Hi Ajit, which number did you call on to confirm that the documents have reached? and whom did you speak to? any name?

  47. HI see my name in winner list"http://bskbhatt.blogspot.in/2013/12/blog-post.html"

  48. Anything new happened today?
    hope we get the nexus real quick

  49. hi Olo,

    0124-4519666..on this no i called and then a guy will answer...tell him u want to know wether the dox have reached so he will transfer the call and then u can ask the next guy who picks up about ur Dox...donno the name though,,he will ask for ur name and the wining date...

  50. Earlier this month, much to the surprise of
    many, Google announced that the next
    iteration of Android will be called Android 4.4
    KitKat. As a part of the deal, Nestle had
    announced it will be releasing 50 million units
    of KitKat with special Android wrappers in 19
    countries, which are now available in India
    too! The special edition KitKat comes with a
    contest where users stand a chance of
    winning a Nexus 7 tablet.
    This contest requires a person to buy a
    KitKat with Android’s green bot on the
    wrapper. Inside the wrapper is an 8-digit
    code, which needs to be sent either via SMS
    or by entering it on Android’s website . The
    wrapper needs to be retained for later when
    claiming the prize.
    Nestle will randomly pick out 1,000 codes
    and the people who sent them will win a
    Google Nexus 7 (2013 edition).

    1. Anonymous
      from which site did u get the above text??

  51. Don't worry frnd Kitkat contest winner will get Google Nexus 7 (2013 edition)...

  52. Guys i called them, was answered by Subarna Nandy (the man who transfered my call said he will tranfer to subarna nandy so).. She said the final auding process is going on and it will be completed in 15 days,meantime the confirmation messages will be sent.. after that we will recieve the prize..
    thats what she said.
    and when i asked about the prize her reply was
    " i have absolutely have no idea whether the prize is 2012 or 2013 model"

  53. hi i just called to this nuber 0124-4519666 but they told me my documents are not there, till15th october they have record after 5h october i have to find it from record room so please call tomorrrow......

    please help me actualy i have sent through Registered Post on 4th october, by 8th to 10th october they received the documents.

    please help me

    1. when did you win?

    2. the final auding process is going on.. lets call them tommorow.. you will get your prize..

    3. on 30th sepetmber i've won visit my blog "bskbhat.blogspot.com" there is detas

  54. guess its safe to think our prize is 2013 model.. i dont thnk anyone has reieved the prize??

  55. http://m.bgr.in/news/special-android-edition-kitkat-now-available-in-india-with-nexus-7-contest/

  56. Vishal Vodro:

    Guys, dont u think dt Bhupinder is pretending? i wrote him yesterday. but since no reply! if d same had to b happening to me, i would have been more curious to know d same has occured with others or not!

    Bhupender should have posted d pis with details info on asap to clear d doubt of him & us even!

    But it's looking kinda fishy!!!

    1. Yeah he is trying to make a fool of us i think.. i dont think anyone has git their prize!! and if so and the model is the old one they surely must have posted in fb!!

  57. I for one don't think he is pretending, He has no reason to troll us and KITAKAT, epecially when his name is in the winners list. why would he want to uncessarily take issues up with kitkat if he has received the new model?
    But i hope its just a one off case and the newer models are now starting to be dispatched!

    1. Olo I think that is a troll When Sreeraj called Ms.Nandy said the auditing is going on and it will take 15 days to despatch the Nexus ?? Dont you find it asymetrical that Bhupinder claims he received the Nexus 2012 last week when we over here at comboupdates are pursuing them like hell.

    2. ya i hope so too.
      couple of questions regarding which version are asked on kitkats post on fb. lets hope they reply.

  58. new post by Kitkat in fb ... "Nexus 7 tab winners take note Coming soon.. A screen near you, for you"

  59. the picture provided by kitkat is 100% cleared that they r gonna give us the new nexus 7

  60. Hi Any one got a call from tha kitkat regarding shipping information

  61. Since the contest is still in process as sreeraj contacted the main person...she told that it will take 15 days to complete...so it is but obvious that they havnt started shipping....so i guess that is the case...bhupender might b faking it..!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I've not yet received any mail from Nestle/Group M.
    last I had was checking the tracking no. on Blue Dart Site, that my docs were delivered.

    Assuming a week for independent verification of documents (With Govt. Revenue stamp involved), do expect delay...

    2014 should be the time, we might be able to hold the Nexus 7...hopefully with Kitkat running on it.

  64. I wont get the tablet , I live in hostel and my clg ends on 6th dec and I hav to go home on 9th dec and will come back on 2nd jan 2014, The worst Luck ever , those who who didnt win hav better luck than me atleast didnt wait for tanlet for 2 months only to hav it missed bcause of holidays

    1. Sushrut you could tell the GroupM guys about your problems which are genuine and give them your forwarding address. Or you could come to the courier office one that particular day and pick it up from the counter. You could do so once the delivery starts (you will come to know about it from here/I will mail you) Dont worry bro you will get one

    2. Yes sushrut.. Vijay is right.
      I think you should maik Kitkat on their gmail ID and also on fb explaining your problem and your full contact details. im sure they'll consider.

    3. try doing it.. m sure u will get ur prize,,

  65. Update:

    On kitkat winner page:

    Dear Winners
    Your Nexus 7 tablets are on their
    way and will be with you soon.

    The people whose names are listed
    below are the lucky ones* to win an
    exclusive Nexus 7 tablet.

    Congratulations to you! Keep taking
    more KIT KAT breaks!

  66. Clear internet explorer cookies and try again. You should see it.

  67. When today Kitkat made the post on FB, many have asked if it is 2012 or 2013 model but they are are not answering ! Lets take it that they left work by 6.30 and they'll answer our questions tomorrow ;)

  68. Guys did u see d fun? That bustard asked kitkat:

    Bhupinder Singh

    Kit Kat Team - Can you please confirm
    if it is a 2012 or 2013 edition of tab
    winners are getting?
    Like · Reply · 3 hours ago

    But he didnt hv d decency to answer our query...!!!

    If he had to really get d old one then how come he is writing this instead of asking y he was given d old one?

    One MAD fellow bloody trying to make us mad. Bloody....

    1. Vishal I said he was a troll. I and James have questioned lets see what his reply is if he doesn't reply it will be proved he is a troll

  69. winner will get Nexus 7 2012 or 2013???

    1. its 90% sure that they will give nexus 7(2013) 16GB as the kitkat contest is set up at most the big countries all over world at on their website they have clearly mentioned about the price except india

  70. Just read their terms and conditions as pointed by a user on thier FB, It clearly states, Pictures used on kitkat wrappers and website or whatever is for representation purpose only. Actual Prize may wary.

    Under Winner Selection
    "(vi) The Pictures of the prizes depicted on the press ads/posters/TVC’c/pack shots etc. are only representative and the actual prize may vary from the depiction."

    I know GOOGLE 2012 is a good tablet but if someone can truly confirm if we are really getting the 2012 model, I feel KIT KAT International and Google should know about it.

    What say Guys?

  71. OLO,

    Yes, these type of T&C line is very typical in Indian marketing industry. People fail to read it and sometimes get betrayed. If u see my earlier comments I pasted that here and expressed my doubts about it.

    I think what my early fear is becoming reality.

  72. The Sad part is instead of So many people asking on their FB Page.. Kitkat just remains quiet... Surely Something is fishy!

  73. i got msg from kit kat - Congratulations..this is from kit kat..i would like to inForm you that your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatch soon

    1. Great Anonymous!
      Whats the date of your winning and when had you sent your documents?

    2. Hey Anon can you add me on Google Plus or FB. I will give you my mobile number that way you forward me the SMS and I will post it here for benefit of all

  74. 16 Oct wining date and on 22 Oct Kitkat rcve my dox.

    1. what was the exact message like??? "This is to inform you that we have received your documents and they are upto mark..your gift will reach your doorstep after 15th november within 6-8 weeks..for queries you may contact 09555290764 regards nestle" ??? or something else

  75. 5 star has started a similar contest now!

  76. And great news Dhairyadev has called up Nestle and they said they have started despatching it from 2nd Dec

    1. Did they answer if it was the new one?

  77. Even I got the same message as Anon

    " Congratulations..this is from kit kat..i would like to inForm you that your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatched soon"

    Didn't expect a company as big as nestle to have such poorly formed messages. Anyways it doesn't matter, hope they dispatch my tab today

    1. i also got the same message at around 1:09 pm..

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. "Congratulations.. this is from Kit Kat.. i would like ti inForm you that your audit is cleared.. your tab will be dispatch soon"

  79. I also recd. a same msg just now.....

  80. Friends can u plz also mention the date of winning who have rcvd audit clear msg so that others have an idea till what date audits have been done.

  81. Winning Date : 20th Oct 2013
    docx upto mark sms : 18th Nov 2013
    audit cleared sms : 4th Dec 2013

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Just Received SMS from 9555407784 at 2:16 PM:

    "Congratulations..this is from kit kat..i would like to inForm you that your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatch soon"

    I won on 6-NOV
    dox sent on 8-NOV
    received on 9-NOV

  84. Won on 7th November.. Got the Message regarding the Audit clearance today at 2...!!
    And now the big question is which Version??? 2012 or 2013

  85. no updates from Vijay Prabhu , Olo , Dhairyadev Arora, Mayur Patil, VISHAL VODRO , Sreeraj... did you people also got the Audit clearance sms?

    1. Deepak I received the message and updated the post at 1.00 pm You dont read my post

    2. Vijay Prabhu i thought you got the sms from Anonymous who was the first to update here... anyways Vijay

  86. won 19th November - and NO Audit Message yet!
    Looks like a day for audit messages. Praying hard!

    1. by evening or trmw you will get it they r sending sms in squence

    2. I got audit clearance message today. I won on 19th Nov.

  87. No dear Deepak M. S, till no sms yet!
    I won on 10/11/13
    dox rcvd on 13/10/13
    just waiting & waiting...

  88. Winning Date : 24th Oct 2013
    Conformation sms : 19th Nov 2013
    audit cleared sms : 4th Dec 2013

  89. Update:

    Congratulations..this is from kit kat..i would like to inForm you that your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatch soon

    Just now got this....

  90. Winning on: 10/11/13
    Dox rcvd on: 13/11/13
    Audit cleared: 04/12/13

    *I/We didnt get/are not getting that kind of sms what Vijay got... i.e: this is to confirm that we received ur dox & they r upto d mark...

  91. Today, I received an SMS

    Congratulations.. this is from kitkat... i would like to inForm you taht your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatch soon

    Bad English, but sweet message.

  92. i think by today evening every1 will be getting Audit cleared sms, still question mark on if its 2012 or 2013 tab..
    now the wait starts for delivery..

  93. already 4 Anonymous ppl have told they have received Audit cleared sms.. totally how many Anonymous are posting over here

  94. I posted on fb kitkat page:

    Whoever didnt get d confirmation
    sms, just relax! kitkat started sending
    the same from today. i got mine just
    now. i won on 10/11/13

  95. "Congratulations..this is from kit kat..i would like to inForm you that your audit is cleared..your tab will be dispatch soon" received at 15:01

  96. today or tmrw all will get audit sms as winners of 13 nov are also getting it

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. OH MY GOD .. what news!!! lets wait for pics now... praying continues

    2. its Rahul kaver winner of 2nd oct but what about previous dates winners

    3. he is telling its Mfg month march 2013, import month april 2013.. then its nexus 7 2012.. i doubt 2013 nexus 7 was Mfg in 2013 and imported on april 2013

  98. Waiting for 19th November now! Praying ALL IZZ WELL !!!!

  99. Big Update:


    Name State Phone
    Rahul Kaver Gujarat *******502

    on fb He claims that he got d new n7 tablet today delivered!!!

    1. he is telling its Mfg month march 2013, import month april 2013.. then its nexus 7 2012.. i doubt 2013 nexus 7 was Mfg in 2013 and imported on april 2013

    2. in the image Rahul has put it says 1GB DDR3... guys its nexus 7 (2012)

  100. so sad its d old one. he posted d img



    1. the front camera is in the center... in new nexus the camera is in right side top corner

    2. its wifi+3g or only 16gb wifi

  101. if its 32gb wifi+3g then its nexus 7(2012) otherwise its 2013 we can recognise it by user manual also

    1. What is written on the box cover?
      If Nexus is written, its 2012.
      If Google is written, its 2013.

  102. The hard trouth is: the tab is of 16 GB Wifi of 2012 model...

  103. Hey guys i got the tablet just half hour back. Its 16gb. But not sure if its 2012 or 2013. Date of manufacture is 2013-03. I cannot open it as im in office right now. Will confirm by tonight. I just saw the packaging.

  104. Guys received confirmation sms regarding the audit clearance. ......

  105. at least they should have given 32gb wifi+3g

  106. CONFIRMED its NEXUS 7 16GB (2012) WIFI only

    see pic: Nexus 7 (2012) 16GB WIFI only

  107. as I check asus india website they have mentioned only two model name
    Model Name: NEXUS7 ASUS-1B085A(WiFi)
    Model Name: NEXUS7C ASUS-1B046A(WiFi + 3G)
    but Rahul kaver/kavar has got model name nexus 7- 1B032A
    what is your opinion VIJAY do we should belive or wait for VISHNU

  108. search for nexus 7- 1B032A u will get below link... its 2012 nexus


  109. Ricky, pls give that ASUS website link.

  110. Start an online petition. Let the world know...

  111. there is good side and bad side try for five star contest hope so they not cheat

  112. Feel sorry for bhupinder who got the flak for reporting truth..some guy used bastard term for him!! Keep decency as bhupinder was not answerable to anybody!!


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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