
Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A

Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A

Friends we have been cheated...  There is no other word for what Nestle has done to the hopes of thousands of Indians who took part in the KITKAT contest with a hope of winning Google Nexus 2013 with latest OS Android 4.4 on it and as did the 989 winners who won the contest. This was the announcement the contest page made from day one :
Cheated.... by Nestle and Google on www.comboupdates.com

All the contest winners were expecting the new Nexus 7 2013 which was released in India and is shipping for Rs.20999.00.  And from the letter and image received from a fellow blogger, Mihir Wagle, it appears that Nestle is shipping this :
Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A
Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A
Letter received by Mihir Wagle

Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A
Nexus 7 received by Mihir Wagle
The irony is that the winners have already indemnified Nestle and Google by signing a 'No Dues Certificate'  The NDC was signed in good faith by all the winners but it seems that Nestle is not keeping its promise.  It is known the this contest was launched by Google and Nexus to announce the arrival of its new operating system Android 4.4 KITKAT and has been successfully completed in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia where the winners have been given the Google Nexus 2013.  Why this discrimination against us, Indians.  Somebody at the top of the organising committee is answerable for this.

Some naysayers may argue that what difference does it make for we have won Nexus 7 ?  But in this day and age there is something called professional ethics.  By not keeping the promise made of "You guys are among the first 1000 in India to take a break with the all new Nexus 7 tablet" the contest organisers have made a fool out of the winners.  
Surely the contest organiser know that Google Nexus 7 2012 has thousands of users in India

I request all you winners to kindly come and comment on this post. This may wont change the outcome of the contest but I hope this will make the contest organisers aware that we Indians cannot be taken for granted...  

A friend and a blogger Manu has posted this image online which clearly shows the model number of the Nexus 7 which is being given to us as a prize.
Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A

Another reader Dev Vaikul has aptly Tweeted this image which I think surmises our despair !!!
Kitkat Nexus 7 Contest in India - Feeling Tricked & Sadly Disappointed.@Android @KITKAT @KitKatIndia @RedmondPie pic.twitter.com/LTQOYH5buO

I request you to kindly like this post on Facebook, Tweet this on Twitter (you are requested to use the handle #nexus2013forIndia  )and plus this post on your Google Circles and forward to as many friends, Indians and others so that they come to know what kind of raw deal we have got... 

And hope that Nestle and Google realise their folly and send the latest Nexus 7 2013 to the winners!!!

A reader Ajit has sent this images which clearly confirm that we have been taken for a ride 
Cheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032ACheated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A
Update :
Friends it seems that KitKat International was unaware of this entire episode.  It has promised us via Facebook that it has spoken to its Indian counterpart and to get our issue resolved amicably. The message was received last night (6.12.2013) and since today and tomorrow are holidays we have to wait until Monday for KitKat India to respond.  

Keep up the good work fellas

Latest update :
KITKAT India has Tweeted and made a post on Facebook giving a flimsy reason 

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  1. I have requested a few bigger media sites to write this story

  2. Google and Nestle: THIS WAS NEVER EXPECTED ! giving away old Nexus while promoting new KITKAT 4.4 NEXUS 7 (2013) !

  3. Probably gonna sell the one I received. Haven't opened it yet. Ill use the money to buy the 2013 one from usa

  4. Hi Vijay I have just made this twiter post and included google, android and kitkat in the Tweet. If possible please update the picture in this post. We need this site for people to interact. Hope it can Help.

    Kitkat Nexus 7 Contest in India - Feeling Tricked & Sadly Disappointed.@Android @KITKAT @KitKatIndia @RedmondPie pic.twitter.com/LTQOYH5buO

  5. I am not sign the NDC Letter.

  6. Dear Vijay, please update this post on your other Kitkat posts so that all people are redirected here. Also, please provide a plan of action on how to increase visibility of this issue - sites like Techenclave and magazines like Digit



    1. Completely agree with Dev here. Lets keep it clean and professional. The message to Google and Nestle should be that we were promised "all new Nexus 7". Now if they choose to interpret "all new" as being "new and unopened", sadly nothing can be done.

  8. I have written on The Verge Forum

    1. Great!!! Hope there is some positive response.

    2. Post by 'Unknown' on The Verge forum is getting mixed response.

  9. Guys, I would recommend that either Vijay or Dev (thanks for your very good tweet), retweet or post this directly to twitter/google+ accounts of Google top brass, including Sundar Pichai who is the head of Android division. Lets see what they have to say about Indian contestants being treated like secondclass citizens. No point in writing on Kitkat India page alone, as that will only be handled by GroupM Media, who are just contractors

  10. Please also tweet to Vic Gundotra and Nikesh Arora

    1. I have twitted all three of them links to this blog and the twitter pic. If possible kindly retweet and spread the word

  11. Everyone please share their Twitter IDs here. We can mass tweet to make some impact !

  12. This is jus cheating purposly. Why India is treated as neglected? when google is a globally reputed brand. getting nothing but irreteted!!! y d difference with abroad? this is just ruling us as we have been rulled by british.
    Gaago grahak gaago...

  13. what can we do bro.??

  14. #mayurpatil8 (twitter),,, Just Noticed Kitkat have changed all the images on facebook and twitter which read all new nexus 7...... very very bad

  15. Guys there is no pressure to spread the news or follow what some of us are doing, as many here must be thinking we are anyways getting the old tablet.. ie "Atleast we are getting 2012 model". I like the 2012 Model myself, but I love android and am avid follower and so are many Indians who prefer Android over IOS or Windows. We Indians are among the top users of android phones and its just unfair that would be taken for a ride just with a small note in the Terms and Conditions.

    Those are interested can spread the word and retweet this to as many as possible.
    Thanks. Lets do it in a professional way and not swear or get hyper.


  16. lets create a hashtag #kitkatgooglecheatedindians

  17. or something on those lines not good with hashtag creations

  18. what can we do frnds?

  19. Can ny body confirm abt delivery part. i mean, who is delivering d tab, from kitkat or some courier fellow? is it requering to show any id proof to him? or the winner has to b present on d spot?

    i mean pls some 1 explain abt delivery & receiving process in details over here, who have received d tablet...

  20. Mihir received it through Overnite Courier Ltd.

  21. GOSH !
    A lot has happened here since afternoon, I got my audit clear message but What sad news to read!! Its just sad ethics from such big companies. Its not about just a version of the tab its about the good feeling! I guess its a bit lost now.

  22. Have your views changed for Bhupinder?? The guy spoke truth and became villain!!

    1. I always said Bhupinder had no reason to troll us. and he was right!
      the guy who sweared at him, should genuinely apologize.

  23. Vijay you should save all the possible screenshots that you have taken for your earlier posts from the kitkat india contest website. If we are lucky to get a response, they might come handful as kitkat india has changed those images currently.

  24. @MIHIR:
    Can u check from which seller has the Nexus 7 being dispatched to you?? It must be written there on package. like "gadgetguru" or some other seller. We cud then know the relation between "stock clearance" and late dispatch of Nexus 7 (2013) 16GB from playstore !

    1. No such information was present. In fact I asked the courier boy too. He had no idea.

  25. please a create a petition on change.org as well

  26. I just read the T&C Properly and They have mentioned it as :

    (vi) The Pictures of the prizes depicted on the press ads/posters/TVC’c/pack shots etc. are only representative and the actual prize may vary from the depiction.

    Still mixed feelings!! Happy for nexus and Sad too..

  27. Yes its Mixed feelings. Whats disappointing is the different treatment of the contest for India and rest of the world. When KitKat could maintain similar format across U.S, UK, Canada, Australia, Why were we left out, especially when we have just as much users on Android smartphones and Tablets. Many participants dint win anything at all India, where as in other places people also won Google Play Credit , so there we other winners too, including the ones who won nexus 7 (2013).

    1. ya cause the nexus was properly launched and support is provided by the asus people on all those mentioned places...

  28. Another reason why we are not getting Nexus 2013 might be because the Asus India page donot show nexus 2013 as their product ...so they cannot provide the support for it..
    so instead of the new the Old one is being rolled out..so that it might be the Manufactures End policy...cause asus will provide the H/W and Nestle and Google are the ones Using it as their Product!!!

  29. I dont understand if asus india did not show d new n7 in their product list, then how come d new n7 is on sale in play store.
    when it's available in playstore then y we were not given that? entire world was given d new n7 & india just got one year old garbage? yes comparing to d new one, d old one is kinda garbage!!!
    d promo was for d new one, hence it was reffered as: all new n7 in d kitkat page. it's very disgressfull matter to d winners.
    d much we were excited more sad we r feeling now! y just bcoz we r indian!!!

    shame on google, nestle, kitkat & the last & in d list Indian too. we dont have ny power but criticize...

    sorry if i looked aggresive but i could not help myself...

  30. Vijay hi i wanted to post a Picture... how can i do that on ur page!!

    1. Ajit send the image to me @ support@comboupdates.com and I will incorporate it within the post.

  31. Guys, I have written to some of the top Google Management on Google+
    Kindly Share this post and support it (+1 it) If we all winners group together, we might get some response. Vijay please share it too. Thanks.



    1. Yes friends share this within your circles so it gets max notice please

  32. nexus7 2012 Kitkat updated ? how can t track courier bro..?

  33. How many people actually received the tablet? It could have been a one off.

  34. has any one created online petition for the same...

  35. Winners, atleast pls support us


  36. Hi vijay , can you confirm when mr Mihir has won , because i am not able to his name in the winner list ,may be he is like Bhupinder singh

    1. My phone number is registered under my mothers name. Since she is at home for more time than me, I gave nestle her name. Look for Rita Wagle on October 2

    2. sorry Mihir if i hurt you , just it is my anxiety

  37. from Facebook post , it seems they are giving Nexus 2012 version , from fb updation i assume the people who has won upto 4th oct has got tab , waiting to see vijay gets his tab and confirm the tab

  38. Just yesterday I got the SMS about the audit clearance, but saddened by this news.
    How can Nestle Kitkat & Google do this? Singling only India Winners speaks so poorly. Never expected such unfairness from such renowned companies...

    Is the Top Management even aware what's happening? Or is it a case of the organizers?
    And now the images have also been changed on their Social Media Sites!
    We need answers.
    If the winners have indeed been taken for a ride, not enjoying the disappointing ride at all...

    1. We cant hold them ransom as they have mentioned in T&C's, but we surely can make sure they see our disappointment atleast have some response from them
      Please support us all winners here - http://goo.gl/TO7VAb

    2. Anita, this is a clear cut case of pre-planned deceptive marketing. They still think young indians are living in the 90's and hoped that we won't complain for the free stuff.
      They could have simply mentioned in-their deceptive ads that Nexus 7 (2012) would be given away, then no body would have complained now. Winners would be glad that they brought the competition to India and got a chance to win.

      The most irritating thing is that they timed the contest along the launch of KITKAT 4.4 and towards the end, the Nexus 7 (2013) in India, whereas in the US nexus 7 (2013) had been launched before launching KITKAT 4.4 and the contest.

      This is what is making Indian KitKat winners angry !!

    3. https://www.facebook.com/groups/584683644914735/

    4. Indeed, it's a matter of trust. I do hope Nestle Kitkat will uphold the brand's credibility and give us what was promised...

  39. Some of the points we are trying to put out - http://goo.gl/bEcJT4

    Also, Winners please support this - http://goo.gl/TO7VAb

    1. Dev, Great work dude in capturing that (2) image. It is very strong evidence of cheating although people may quote T&C !! good work !

  40. Vijay just sent u a mail...pls chek it out.!!

    1. Ajit received it thanks, I was out travelling will put it up on the post :)

  41. OK GUYS ! If T&C is the Final Word, lets sees if they are following these conditions:

    Stipulations of the courier service
    (i) Prizes will be dispatched to Confirmed Winners through courier.
    (ii) The courier, whilst carrying the prize for the Winner, will carry a No-Claims letter for the Confirmed Winner and an acknowledgement receipt (POD).
    (iii) The courier shall ask the Confirmed Winner to sign the No Claims Letter and the acknowledgement receipt (POD) and present an original and valid Photo ID proof issued by the Government of India showing his/her photograph and name. In case any of the above is not provided to the courier, the prize will not be handed over to the Confirmed Winner.
    (iv) The Confirmed Winner himself/herself has to be present at the address and in case of his/her unavailability the prize will not be handed over to any family member or any other person than the winner
    (v) If the Confirmed Winner is not available at the given address, the courier person shall make 2 (two) more attempts to deliver the prize within the next 7 (seven) days of the first visit made. If still unsuccessful, the courier person shall make no further attempts to deliver the prize. In such case the prize of the Confirmed Winner shall stand forfeited.
    (vi) The courier person shall collect the signed No Claims Letter and the signed POD from the Confirmed Winner.`

    we should ask MIHIR WAGLE.

  42. Talking about T&C ,did they follow this limited T&C strictly ?:

    (v) In case the shortlisted Participant is contacted, he/she will be required to send the following documents and collaterals to be eligible for the prize:
    The KITKAT promo pack wrapper with the Code Number that was entered by the Participant in the entry.
    Self-attested copy of Photo Identity proof (e.g. Driver's license, Voter ID card, Passport, Aadhar card, PAN card, Ration card or any other document issued by the Government of India).

    instead they asked for a NDC also !!

    some of them sent address proof also !

    1. YES Manu. Good point. If its just about the T&C no where is it mentioned that a NO Dues Certificate will be required to be signed.
      People are not understand on the Verge forum that its not about one model or other, its about the impartial treatment and we are only showing our disappointment.

    2. People from US commenting on THE VERGE forum don't realise the tricks companies play on Indians here. That is why they are not shocked much.

  43. Are they thinking that the following T&C will push winners into a corner?? :

    (i) By accepting the prize, the Confirmed Winner undertake and irrevocably and unconditionally permit Nestle to cover the Program through various media including newspapers, radio television news channels, internet, point of sale materials, etc., and shall not raise any objection, protest or demur to such coverage or in this regard.


  44. Guys, just a note...on the google plus post lets not converse between ourselves, so when we actually have someone important reading that.. it would just make them feel its unimportant. Lets keep stating the important points and views. Is that fine with all?

  45. i have not yet received any information after sending the documents asked by the KITKAT people..

    1. your name is not on the website

  46. As far as I'm concerned, stating that we will be getting "the all new Nexus" instead of "an all new Nexus" is grounds enough to complain, irrespective of what the T&Cs state because it is misrepresentation and that cannot be validated through the T&C's clause of "The Pictures of the prizes depicted on the press ads/posters/TVC’c/pack shots etc. are only representative and the actual prize may vary from the depiction."

    However, one thing we cannot get out of is the clause that "If a Participant is dissatisfied with the Program and/or the terms and conditions of the Program, his/her sole and exclusive remedy is to not to participate in the Program."

    So if we do not hear anything more about this from either Nestle or Google, nothing to do except return the tablets and look at legal recourse, which I'm sure no one on this forum even wants to consider

  47. I guess we are getting very less response from the 900 or so Winners here in India. Just about 10-15 are actively participating.

    1. @dev: I am sure by now most of the 898 winners know about the news ! but as we should expect won't complain, lest the fear of losing those tablets in case of negative campaign being known by the promoters.

      I dont see a mass campaign being raised anywhere, because this is afterall a "free" stuff. We are acustomed to people fooling us :(

    2. I dont think many winners know about this issue - not many are tech savvy to know the difference between 2012 and 2013 models. Plus am sure they are not aware of this discussion here

    3. Dev not everybody is sad on receiving the Nexus 2012 :P and some of the winners are from remotest places of India

  48. Manu do you know till which dates winners have got the tablet

    1. @anon: my guess is winners upto 5 october may have received it

  49. How many days after we recieve the audit do We get the tab

  50. The 5star contest is surely a counter campaign to KITKAT in India, its major competitor.

  51. Has any 1 got d tab today? if then which date they have won?

    what's wrong vijay, so far no response!!! upsate?

    1. Vishal I had been travelling :P Kindly like the Facebook comment made by Dev below and we may yet make this work

  52. Why are you guys so angry? Atleast be happy at the fact that you got a Nexus 7 tab. I'm one of those unfortunate guy who sent more than 50 wrapper codes and still got none. As for android kit kat os, dont worry! Google promised an update for both Nexus 7 versions. Just be happy with what you got and don't forget you are few of the lucky ones who got a tablet without paying a single rupee!

    1. I'm angry because I would not have spent the time and effort on this contest for a Nexus 2012 that is available on Flipkart (the same model) for 9K or less. Does that answer your question?

    2. anon2: True...money and time and energy is spent. It is not FREE it is WON !

    3. @Anonymous5 December 2013 17:59

      I'm angry because I would not have spent the time and effort on this contest for a Nexus 2012 that is available on Flipkart (the same model) for 9K or less. Does that answer your question?

      Well if you are that angry then give away that Nexus 7 to someone else who would appreciate it. I can tell you that a lot of people would love to have a Nexus 7 2012.

      @anon2: True...money and time and energy is spent. It is not FREE it is WON !

      Well the money, time and energy you spent is very much less than value of Nexus 7 2012. Its free and you won it out of some mere luck. So get over it and stop crying like a 5 year old.

    4. without paying a single rupee! - absolutely wrong. Minimum people would have spent Rs 10.
      I spent around 250 ( excluding around 100 for non winning kitkat's ).
      If not for parents i would sell it off. I already have a 2012 Nexus 7.

    5. @pam6 December 2013 14:48

      without paying a single rupee! - absolutely wrong. Minimum people would have spent Rs 10.
      I spent around 250 ( excluding around 100 for non winning kitkat's ).
      If not for parents i would sell it off. I already have a 2012 Nexus 7.

      Well that Rs 250 is still very much less than Rs 8999 is it not? Just be happy with the Nexus 7 2012 you got or give them to someone else who could really appreciate it. I can promise you that a lot would be more than happy to have a Nexus 7 2012 . Because unlike you guys, we cant afford such tablets and such contests are the only was for us to get these tablets!

    6. @Anonymous7 I am disappointed not unhappy. If they had mentioned 2012 Nexus 7 max i would have tried once or twice and left it.
      Win was pure luck i do not think you should have high hopes of winning contests to get tablets.

  53. Guys the KitKat India Team has replied to one of our posts on Facebook saying this - "Hi Dev, sorry we didn't respond to you on Twitter. We've been busy looking into it for you and finding the right people to speak to. We'll be in touch as soon as we can."


  54. People do visit the Facebook link given by Dev and like his comment. Dont make any aggressive remarks please. We may still make this work :)

  55. Yes Guys as Vijay said, Lets not be use foul language and communicated and raise our views in a respectable way. and Keep spreading the word to all winners.

    1. That is great :) Good work :)

    2. Dear All,

      Let's not post anything threatening on Dev's facebook page. We've got what we wanted. Kitkat has heard us. Now let them respond. Hopefully it will be positive!

      Let us not threaten them with comments that the news will spread and it will be a bad name for Kitkat or things like that.

    3. Yes guys, lets not threaten and stuff.. Google and Kitkat are big companies. When Kitkat makes a post about thier Chocolate daily on thier facebook Page, 1000s still like it. So its not gonna make any difference. It would make a difference if we keep our views respectable.

  56. Guys, if you look at the terms and conditions of the other contest countries, there is no mention of Nexus 7 (2013) there as well. Only MRP is mentioned, how did they get the latest Nexus then? This is clearly a way for Nestle India to save money by getting cheap stock of old tablets and giving Indian participants. Hope they realize the disappointment they are causing!!

    1. Its true they never mentioned they were giving away Nexus 7 2013 tablets. You guys just assumed it. So don't go around crying like a bitch. Just accept the gift. Either way its a win-win condition for you guys.

    2. no man/women go to uk kitkat website and read the terms and condition page

    3. Why should i go to Kit Kat UK website when i'm talking about Kit Kat india?

    4. because you said that in other countries there is no where written about the prize details don't say anything about others first see their website and then say

    5. That was not me fool! Mine would be the second and fourth comment.

  57. at least we are getting something in india for the first time there will be lot more contest in near future try 5 star contest they at least will you a 10 rs balance or movie promo code or free game link or ringtone if you are lucky then you can get electronic gadgets like

    • Samsung Galaxy Star Smartphone
    • Canon Digicam A2500 Camera
    • Jabra Supreme Plus Audio Headset
    • Lenevo A1000 Tablet
    on hourly based there are weekly prizes too
    for more details visit to www.winwith5star.com
    and one think you can enter your promo code online also

    1. Almost all are useless except Canon Digicam.

  58. the five star contest have specified in a very clear way of how winner will be contact
    how you can track the courier person if winner has not received the prize you can contact them on the details are given on the terms and condition page of the 5 star contest

  59. Friends, There has been another response from KitKat India tonight: "Hi all, thanks for getting in touch. Please rest assured that we're looking into this as fast as we can and will be in contact when we've got to the bottom of the issue. Thanks, KK.".

    Link to it : http://goo.gl/EahVci.

    1. Yep Dev thanks to you and to Kitkat fingers crossed

  60. lets hope they fire someone and give nexus 2013 to all the winners

    1. Lets hope the winners get what they deserve.
      No one needs to be fired.

  61. Hey guys have you noticed that nobody yesterday confirmed that they had received the Nexus 2012 :) Maybe Kitkat guys are looking into our problems and lets keep our fingers crossed (c)

    1. few ppl should have got it yesterday also, because users and we came to know about the model being shipped on 4th evening and started asking kitkat regarding this and posting this everywhere.... Hope they have stopped the shipping as of now and they are looking into it

  62. was busy yesterday .. so could not reply or update .. i had posted regarding this in https://plus.google.com/u/0/+kitkat/posts stating "heated.... by Nestle and Google, ditches on the promise of first 1000 to get Nexus 2013 in India...gives Nexus 7 2012 1B032A" and got a reply by +Kit Kat
    "KIT KAT Yesterday 3:52
    Hi Deepak, sorry we didn't respond to you on Twitter. We've been busy looking into it for you and finding the right people to speak to. We'll be in touch as soon as we can."

    1. Yep Deepak nice :) We may have made a impact after all

  63. the reply can be seen in "Talk about the ultimate birthday break!" thread

  64. i won a nexus on November 11 , and audit cleared on day before yesterday,
    itz really sad that we are getting the nexus 2012 model

  65. ystrdy i asked in fb & here also if ny 1 received d tab! no reply i got. had d same feeling dt kitkat must have stopped d shipment. they never thought we react like this. otherwise the late night kitkat replyed which was rare case ever! kitkat hardly used to reply earlier.

    whatever it is; hope for d best. may father st.anthony bless all the winners including me with all the new nexus 7 of 2013...

  66. Well, they have taken notice on Facebook and Google+, the only thing to be done now is wait. I'm assuming that they will reach out to either Vijay or Dev with updates. We should just be patient for a couple of days and see what happens

  67. SURELY the late night reply by KITKAT indicates that they have noticed the buzz created by the winners !

    Hope they will do something in this regard. But it's not that simple.

  68. Guys Lets not get our hopes too High!... Its already got us SAD once.
    I believe the moment they feel we have eased off, they'll take it easily. U know what I mean. Lets keep spreading the word and responding in the professional we way we been doing so far.

    Also, Vaibhav Garg a participant i guess had posted on KitKat's FB about how the courier has been done? To that a person named Swastik Das has replied... Did Swastik Get his tab yesterday? I hope He can confirm.

    1. Dev you are right, I am as usual spraying it around. Meanwhile this has reached GSMARENA too > http://www.gsmarena.com/newscomm-7319.php

    2. Thats Great Vijay, I had sent an email to GSMArena. If they do a report that would be fantastic coverage.

    3. I posted on http://www.gsmarena.com/newscomm-7319.php to give this wider visibility. I have also sent an email to GSMArena team.

  69. Absolutely @dev, You know, whatever lines they might quote from T&C, social networks can REALLY make an Impact for big companies like NESTLE and GOOGLE. This NEXUS 7 release was very big in INDIA, that is clear from the 0-day sales!

    Moreover this is the right time to BE ACTIVE when their competitor CADBURY 5Star is rallying in through their contest !

  70. Here you guys are debating over the 2012 and 2013 model. I ate and sent like 25-30 codes, no luck. And there were supposed to be winners every hour!

    1. Precisely! This just goes to show how selfish and greedy these guys are. Shame on you!!1

  71. guys join https://www.facebook.com/groups/584683644914735/

  72. GUYS...ahem, what happened to those (1000-898=102) tablets ?? :d :-d

  73. People on the verge are fighting!!!...almost 300 comments.....:o

  74. process of shipping the tab has not stopped... Emil Paul just received a call from kitkat....they said he will be getting n7 tab soon...

  75. Made a post on KitKat's Page. Guys please follow it and post your views to Kit Kat in a NON-RUDE way. Lets get some response from them. Also, Tag KITKAT in your comments.

  76. just now some1 got d 2012 n7.


    whats going on then???

  77. let us all post in https://www.facebook.com/KitKatIndia?brand_redir=1 and https://www.facebook.com/notes/kit-kat/kitkat-facebook-google-nexus-7-competition/10151852323909557 to get nexus 2013

  78. Manu upto which date winners have got the tab

  79. Just a doubt. Do you really think for a second that Kit Kat is gonna take back all the Nexus 7 2012 tablets with the seal broken? Don't tell me none of you guys haven't opened the seals (Ofcourse few of you must not have broken the seal but not everyone though). Unfortunately few among you must have opened it up. And as you know once the seal is opened its all over for them. Comment whether you seal is broken or not?

    1. Anon have ever heard of recall. Big companies do that when they have service issues

    2. So you guys use Nexus 7 2012 as for now, but at the same time want a Nexus 7 2013 too. Nice going you greedy pigs!!!

    3. http://blog.gsmarena.com/indian-winners-of-android-kitkat-nexus-7-giveaway-being-given-last-years-model/

  80. Hi Ive been following this blog from the begining.I won n Oct 30,in my moms name,Molamma.I have a doubt;3 days back, I got auidit cleared message,but I havent recieved any message regadring the dox yet.Will I even get the N7 2012?please help.

    1. Hi Abel Congrats :) yes you will get the Nexus 7. Many have not received the msg regarding dox so dont worry

    2. do join this group

  81. Vijay upto which date winners have got the tab

    1. Anon as per my calculations they have dispatched upto 5.10.2013

  82. asus launches nexus 7 2013 in india

  83. Suggestion to all the Winners:

    Dear Winners,
    I am requesting you while receiving your tab/gift from Courier person, start a video recording by your mobile. And unbox the Item infront of him only, leaving the record live.
    It's been seen on KitkatIndia fb some users claimed he was given the tab with CRACKED SCREEN!!!
    Having the video recorded, least we can have the proof and ask for the Replacement.

    *This is just Possibility. Winner's own decision is strongly recomended...

    1. True bro :) nice advise to all winners

    2. How about not using the Nexus 7 2012 tablets( as in not opening them at all) and wait for you chance to get the new Nexus 7 2013 tablets from KitKat?

  84. this is called business by nestle

    1. Maybe Anon bro but imagine the amount of goodwill it will loose in India.

  85. I totally go with VISHAL VODRO...they are sending stuff that was lying in warehose since april...so chances of damages to hardware/software are high...so winners...its better to be alert and scan evry inch to find fault....

  86. WildKitten is absolutely right! Go the link and read his comments. That ought to bring some sense in you guys!

  87. Very flimsy excuse of a tweet by Kitkat India. We should all tweet and respond to them, saying that "the new Nexus" was promised!!

  88. Any updates guys?

  89. FRIENDS WE HAVE GOT A US BLOG ANDROID POLICE to POST about this ISSUE ! Pls go there are post your views in decent language ! HERE

  90. GSM Arena covers our case :)


  91. another popular INDIAN TECH blogger has reported this on twiiter: follow him here: HERE

  92. Manu up to which date winners got the tab

    1. I won on 16th Oct. No further communication until now.

  93. Oh Nooo.. :(( I was out and couldn't follow up on this...!! Read everything just now...
    How Mean.. :-?
    This was not at all expected from these People... How happy I was to finally win something... But alas.. I am really really upset and angry...
    Great job guys for raising this issue.. I'm going to follow and share all the groups for all of us..

    1. I called nestle india around 10 times but they kept transferring my calls. I also sent them 5-6 emails but they havent bothered to answer yet. My request to all winners is that please flood nestle india with calls and emails so that our voices are heard and justice is served. This is totally not acceptable and unethical. I am very furious and angry,SHAME ON NESTLE INDIA AND KITKAT for cheating us.

  94. Great to see that this page was mentioned in an article on Android Police :)

    Hopefully it helps us in our cause

    1. Yes Anshul hope to take it to its logical conclusion and make Nestle own up for the sloppy contest

  95. Guys if Kitkat did not give the new nexus 7 2013 tablet; dont worry! Here is another giveaway of the same going on...


  96. Vijay did you got your tab

  97. Vijay you asked me to email you on FB last night. You said it was urgent. Whats going on?

  98. Hi friends. Its really a sad feeling to know about this mess. I have received SMS showing my audit is cleared my my tab will be dispatched soon. I can't expect that such big n globally respected company can make fool out of us for Rs 1 crore only ( 1000 tabs x price difference between new n old nexus).I bet you all that there are few or at least One Corrupt Official in the Organizing committee or Dispatch committee who would have made a NEXUS with local sellers of Nexus 7 2012 and getting our our prize product 2013 replaced with old model, thereby benefitting corrupt officials and old nexus sellers (since the old model is not popular here owing to its late launch in India and simultaneously announcement of 2013 model to be launched worldwide plus gross differences between two versions). Contest organizing committee. Mischievously made many of us to sign NDC in advance which is not a practice anywhere and is illegal. Also, there is no way to call Organizers...I called Nestle India customer care, Ms Subarna Handy, Group M , etc but all in vain..on fb and twitter also,they seem to give robotic reply , not answering to our queries correctly. Moreover, there were no advertisements on TV etc at the start of contest. It seems that some top level official of Nestle india is making fool of Parent company as well as indian peoples. But friends we have to stand together against this injustice not just for prize but for ridiculing the popular belief that Indian people can be misled easily n u can churn out money out of people's innocence. First of all, we have to convey this scam to NESTLE parent company and GOGGLE... If that doesn't work, then we have to file RTI to get details regarding which nexus model was originally sent by Asus as prize . Which model was intimated to parent NESTLE company n Google.....and Lastly we can drag NESTLE INDIA to court for making False promises and misleading the contestants...

    1. Dr.Pankaj good to know you are with us. You can tweet this post, like it on FB and spread the world around.
      You should also join the Facebook Group we have organised against the above here https://www.facebook.com/groups/KitKatGoogleNexus7Winners/586573314725768 and join us in asking for what is just

    2. You are right Pankaj. I have received the message that the tab would be dispatched soon. I wonder why no one asked details of the tablet (including me). I did not sign NDC. I had argued with GroupM guy that I would not sign before getting the tablet. Does it make a difference? I don't think yes.

  99. Guys, Facebook campaign on KitkatIndia page alone is not helping. We need to spread the word to the Global Nestle Facebook page. We also need to write to Mr. Nandu Nandkishore, who is the topmost Indian at Nestle http://www.gicn.in/nandu-nandkishore/. His lInkedIn profile is http://ch.linkedin.com/pub/nandu-nandkishore/22/a7/738?trk=pub-pbmap, someone who has LinkedIn Premium can get his contact details from there

  100. We also need to start tweeting to Indian news outlets like Forbes India and Mint newspaper

  101. Nestle india would be delivering the 2013 Nexus. Info in kitkat india facebook page.

  102. We won it. Congratulations and thanks to all for actively supporting it. Hip hip hooray

  103. OMG. It was full of drama. Together we won.
    Thanks Vijay for creating an initial forum for the contest that brought many winners together.

  104. Welcome guys and without you this would not have been possible so hats off to you awesome people

    1. Thanks a lot Vijay for creating a FIRE.. :) I have just acknowleged the news about getting the 2012 model and to my amaze now you guys have changed it!

      huge applause for u guys. (h)

    2. Thanks to you, Vijay :)
      Great Posts and expert help in your Blog helped too:)

  105. a very special thanks to vijay prabhu and comboupdates for updating and keeping a all the winners together.. cheer

  106. THANK YOU VIJAY PRABHU for following up with his introductory blog on Kitkat contest and then so many posts that really helped so many contestants and winners !

    Thank You all who made their valuable comments here at Combo !

    Finally we HAVE what we DESERVED !

    M sure vijay would write one more post to detail the ROLLER COASTER Ride all we had !! :D

  107. We are delighted to announce that winners of ‘Android Kit Kat promotion’ will receive the new 2013 Nexus 7 tablet. If you have received an earlier version of the device, we will contact you separately to get it replaced. The delivery schedule for the new dispatches as well as the procedure to be followed for replacement will be communicated shortly.

    this was the new post on the fb kitkat page.......i hope they deliver to the expectations
    glad everything is settled.....atleast for now

  108. Vijay thanks a lot you made it I think you would be the first one to get it

    1. Thanks Anon for your wishes but I would be more pleased if I get after all the contest winners :)

  109. All kudos to Vijay for starting this!!

    1. Thanks Sagar :) without you guys it would not have been possible :)

  110. Friends we have done it :) I would not call it a victory because I believe we claimed what was rightfully ours :) Kindly read this post and comment/share here http://www.comboupdates.com/2013/12/nestle-and-google-bow-to-popular-wishes.html

  111. Well done Vijay!!!(h) n congrats to every one who took active part in making our voices heard!!! You all deserve spacial praise :)

  112. didn't recieved any message about audit.. :-? i won on 22nd Nov.. whats wrong? any idea brother?

  113. Thanks Vijay. Unity is strength.

  114. didn't recieved any message about audit.. i won on 22nd Nov.. whats wrong? any idea brother?

  115. how many emails do we get as confirmation??....1 or 2 ?

  116. vijay have you recieved the tab??

    1. No my friend I had received the old 2011 tab on 5th December, am awaiting the new one myself. But all my acquaintances have received it :)

  117. hi......could u laet me know if u recieved a mail before recieving the tab,or did u recieve any shipping information ???.....i know its the old tab,just wanted to know,how will we know when the shipment is to be expected


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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