

Thursday, 1 February 2018

Are you a State Board Student? Here's How You Can Ace NEET

Read about the ways in which you can ace NEET unified examination

NEET is the unified exam for almost all the MBBS/BDS seats in the country. So, it does not matter if you belong to any particular state or region, you will have to appear for this exam if you want to pursue higher education in the medical field.
Are you a State Board Student? Here's How You Can Ace NEET

But, since the majority of the students appearing in the exam belong to CBSE board, state board students feel that they cannot compete with CBSE students in the exam. Well, this is a popular notion, but it is definitely not true.

Whether you are a state board student or CBSE student, if you have prepared hard for this exam, only then you will be able to crack. But, if you still feel that you cannot ace this exam due to your belonging to the regional board, then we have brought some important tips that can remove all doubts from your mind. Take a look at these tips: -

Shrug off all the Myths

There will be a lot of people around you who will tell a whole lot of things about NEET exam. Well, first thing is that, if they say anything that makes you feel that you cannot crack NEET, then stay away from them. Being a student of a state board is never a disadvantage for NEET, and you can crack it just like any other CBSE student would do.

There are two big myths about NEET that most of state board students get preyed to. First is, ‘NEET is based on CBSE syllabus, you will have to study extra things to crack it’. Well, as an answer to this, you should know that NEET is based on NCERT syllabus and not CBSE. Most of the state boards have made their syllabus in line with NCERT.

Second big myth is, ‘You need coaching to crack NEET.’ Well, this is purely a big myth. NEET is based on Class 11 and 12 syllabi so you can clear NEET with all what you have studied till now. You just need consistent studying, and definitely, NEET can be cracked without coaching as well.

Have the Right Strategy 

Having a proper approach towards the exam is very important. There are many points that need to be taken care of while preparing for NEET, and therefore, a well-defined strategy is needed.

If you have 6 months to prepare for the exam, ideally your syllabus should get completed in a maximum of 3 months. After this, you should enroll for any mock test series for best practice. Solving past year papers for NEET is also a very important part of the preparation, so you should not miss out on that front. While rigorous practice is a very obvious thing, you should also make notes for revision.

Keeping all these important things in mind, do craft a feasible strategy and stick to it. Many students make plans but are not able to follow them. But, do remember that one good hit doesn’t make you win the match, you have to consistently keep on scoring runs whole throughout the innings to bring the trophy home.

Follow the Right Study Material

Having quality study material is definitely a decisive part of preparation. You do not need to solve very tough questions, rather, the material that you follow must have the relevant set of questions.
A general rule to remember is that you need one textbook and one advanced book (at least) to ace the exam. While textbooks help you to understand the basic, the advanced books aid one to practice HOTS and these build your grip on the concepts.

For all the 3 subjects, NCERT books are a must. These have the best explanations of topics and you can expect some direct questions from these. Apart from NCERT books, the concept of Physics by HC Verma, Objective NCERT at your fingertips (physics) by MTG Editorial Board are good choices.
For Chemistry, books by OP Tandon, coupled with Objective Chemistry by RK Gupta will be very useful. For Biology, you can refer to Complete NEET Guide by MTG Editorial Board and Objective Biology by Dinesh.

Use Internet to Your Advantage

If you have access to the Internet, then you should make the full use of it. There are tons of apps, forums and YouTube channels that provide access to free and useful study material.

Apps like AskIITians, NEET app by EduRev, NEET Practice by KRV Solutions and Toppr App can prove to be very effective. On the other hand, YouTube channels like Aim4 AIIMS/NEET, GradeUp, Study Buddy Club and BYJU’s NEET are definitely worth subscribing.

Remember, the Paper is Same for All

Since the paper is same for everyone, there is definitely no need to feel that have you any disadvantage when compared to the CBSE aspirants. First of all, NEET question paper is never set keeping any particular board in mind and is designed in such a way that it is of same level for everyone.

Also, from this year, the question paper in all the languages will be same. Earlier different papers were set for different languages, but it will not be that case from this year.

Another big thing is that in recent papers of NEET, some questions from state board’s books have also been seen. So, it’s nowhere correct to think that paper is more favored towards CBSE aspirants.

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