
Monday, 11 March 2013

Nirbhaya rapist Ram Singh commits suicide, kya paya kya khoya

Nirbhaya rapist Ram Singh commits suicide, kya paya kay khoya

What the whole of India want was delivered to them by the alleged rapist himself.  Whole of India was demanding death sentences for the rapist of Nirbhaya, and today Ram Singh, one of the accused hanged himself in the Tihar Jail on Monday.

Why did he commit suicide?  This question can only be answered by the dead man himself.  But considering the henious crime he had committed it is but natural for him to feel remorse and do something unnatural as commit suicide.

Some facts about Ram Singh.  He was the eldest among the 6 rapists and it is safe to assume that he was the ringleader of the gang.  He was the driver of the bus in which Nirbhaya was raped, but at time of the incident his brother, Mukesh was driving the bus. The other rapists who took part in the crime were just in their teens with one Akshay aged 29, Mukesh aged 26, Vinay aged 20 and Mukesh the driver aged 26. One of accomplices was declared a juvenile. 

What drove these no-gooders to commit such a crime?  Raw animal passion.  Rape is a crime of passion.  When the passion runs deep into your heart you become sick and it is this sickness that make you think that any female counterpart can be victimized.  

Ram Singh hoodwinked the Indian law and the popular wishes of the citizens by committing suicide and the other four are said to be on a 'suicide watch'.    Suicide watch is a condition when a person is diagnosed with suicidal tendencies.

But why did Ram Singh commit suicide?  Was it out of remorse for the guilt he had committed?  Had his conscience become so grave as to make him will to take such a extreme step?  No, I don't think so.  I think Mr.Ram Singh committed suicide out of fear.  Fear of the public backlash, fear of being lynched, fear of not being able to live his future life in peace.

It was but natural that the Indian law and criminal system would have wanted to hang him.  But a death sentence is awarded in the 'rarest of rare cases'.  The case against the 6 would have gone on till another many years and by the time the case would have reached the Supreme Court, Ram Singh would have been out on bail.  It was this life that Ram Singh was afraid of and it is this period of life the others who are 'suicide watch' are afraid of.

Anyways Ram Singh has committed suicide and his family is crying hoarse that he was murdered.  They have demanded a CBI enquiry into his death.  The truth is not known as of now but what ever the reason, he has cheated the noose to die a rather tame and selfish death.  

Vijay Prabhu

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  1. I liked yr views reg Nirbhaya.I think suicide done by Ram Singh is right.

  2. think jyoti is back to haunt them and for revenge since the courts have failed in this regard...


:) :-) :)) =)) :( :-( :(( :d :-d @-) :p :o :>) (o) [-( :-? (p) :-s (m) 8-) :-t :-b b-( :-# =p~ :-$ (b) (f) x-) (k) (h) (c) cheer

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