Google Play is today updating its Google Plus Android app is mostly about bug fixes and performance improvements but as per Goolge they have squeezed in a feature that’ll make photos more fun: 'Auto Awesome 'notifications.
The 'Auto Awesome' finds sets of photos in your library, and creates fun new versions automatically (like animations, panoramas, or filmstrips). Starting today you’ll get notified on Android, iOS and the desktop whenever one of these gems is waiting for you.
If you’d like to see all of your awesome’d photos in your library. To watch the Awesomed Photos from your circle of friends you can simply tap Photos, then search for for the hashtag #autoawesome or visit this Google Plus Page.
The updated version has number 4.1.1 which can be downloaded from Google Play but officially the changelog doesnt mention Auto Awesome feature so if you want you can download the Apk file from here. This Apk is posted thanks to Ron Amadeo and Android Police.